
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another year gone by

 I can't believe it's been another year since my last post. Where does the time go?

I've often wanted to post on here but I am pretty much always either working or with my daughter so the opportunities are rare. 

After my last post, I gained another ten pounds. Mostly from alcohol. Then, last fall I got shingles IN my MOUTH (I didn't even know you could get shingles in your mouth) and was on my couch in excruciating pain for a week and literally could not eat for a week. I sipped bone broth for a little protein but that was the most I could get. I probably had about 400 calories a day for a week straight and lost seven pounds (plus another 5 pounds of water weight but that came back as soon as I ate again). It made me feel good, and since I had been on so many painkillers that week I was motivated to not drink for a while for the sake of my liver and I lost another 7 pounds in the next seven weeks. 

I haven't lost much since then, spring weather and a decrease in covid cases meant more socializing which meant more eating and drinking, but I haven't gained anything in while. 

Which is especially good since.... I'm pregnant again. 

My daughter is AMAZING and hilarious and wonderful so the thought of having another is exciting, but the weight is scaring me. I sometimes wonder what would've happened with no pandemic. I didn't gain much weight until the last month of my pregnancy when the world was shut down and I couldn't even go to work. 

I know most of my weight gain came AFTER she was born, but I still had ten extra pounds on me immediately following her birth.  

I'm three months in and haven't gained anything yet, so I'm off to a good start, but since I had recently lost some weight, was hoping to lose more before getting pregnant again. Oh well. We work with what we've got. 

And I'm always working on it. 


  1. Hello darling,
    I'm so happy to hear from you! And CONGRATS!!! It's awesome news!
    Almost everyone I know (at least, everyone who has not been always superskinny throughout their whole life) has gained weight during 2020 and 2021. Most of my male colleagues candidly admit they no longer fit their suits. And let's not talk about myself.

    Thanks for your comments. Yes he knows and understands he has a problem. Every time, he promises he'll go and seek some sort of counselling. He never does.
    Yes I still love him and I do not think we'll not get through this, but... I think I need to put myself first for a while. Including when it's about dieting etc.
    We'll see.

    Lots of love

  2. What amazing news! Congratulations on the bub-to-be! So wonderful to hear.

    The alcohol gains are always rough. It's always crazy to see how much it changes when you go a while without. It's awesome that you've been able to cut it out. It's definitely not worth it.

    Take care of yourself, and your bub. Good times are ahead!

