
Monday, October 21, 2019

Knocked up

They say to not talk about getting pregnant....

About 6 months ago, husband and I had finally decided that in the next year or so, we would perhaps stop trying to not have kids, and see what happens. I wanted to wait a year so that I had some time to lose weight. Not good to diet while pregnant.

Well, I had started losing when lo and behold.... I accidentally got pregnant in the beginning of August. Yikes.

It was a total shock and to be honest my first thought was "I'm not skinny enough yet".

The advantage I suppose? I'm not overweight, but I've been at the high end of my "normal" BMI for a while, and according to my doctor I only need to gain a minimum of 15 pounds.
What? I totally thought that even if you were overweight, you needed to gain at least 20 pounds.
So 15 is the goal.
Maybe it would be healthier to cut myself some slack, but honestly so many women do that (especially in America) and just go nuts when pregnant and gain like 60 pounds, which also is not healthy. I will not be in that boat.

So I'm almost 3 months pregnant and have so far lost 3 pounds. I've been cautious and slow about it. I'm not starving myself (who am I?). But everything I've read says that it's not unsafe to lose a little weight in your first trimester, and it's actually pretty common as so many women have morning sickness. It won't harm the baby. But I'm nearing the end of my first trimester so soon weight loss will not be considered okay.

I've been trying my best to just get the highest nutrition for the lowest calories possible. The trouble is, I have had a MAJOR sweet tooth and I crave candy all the time (which is atypical for me). Also, I haven't really eaten meat in a few weeks. It doesn't make me sick, but I find it kind of gross. I've mostly been eating a lot of fruit since it seems to mostly satisfy my sweet tooth and is actually nutritious. And then rice and beans for protein.

I've also been fortunate that I've felt good exercising, but most days it's hard to motivate myself to as I've been very tired.

I hope I handle the weight gain okay. My stomach is starting to protrude a little. I'm sure it's not noticeable to anyone else, but it is to me. It's simultaneously excited about it and terrified. It's going to be a weird year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, super congrats!
    I'm so happy for you - this is going to be amazing (and a bit terrifying I guess as well!)

    I'm actually considering this as an option for next year but it's top secret yet. Basically, it depends - if I make it to equity partner, it's simply not an option. If I don't (which I feel is more likely), I'll probably try to get pregnant.
    I know this may sound mean and wrong, and this is why it's top secret- people judge and judge and judge, and I can't stand being judged for this...

    On a side note, in Italy my friends who got preg over the last few years keep hearing from doctors that they must not gain too much weight, and carbs are frowned upon because of some form of pregnancy diabetes that apparently is becoming quite common..

    Look, I think the most important thing is you feel good and take care of yourself. Be also a bit egoistic - once your baby is there, the time you will spend by yourself will be virtually 0 for a long while, so you deserve a bit of self-caring in advance!!

    Congrats again - I'm really really happy & excited for you
