
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ironed out

So the two solid resolutions are as follows:

1. Read one book every week in 2016. This seems daunting, but I know enough people (even those with busier lives who don't enjoy reading as much as I do) who have accomplished this goal. I can do it. Plus, more time reading should mean less time eating. I never eat while I read - which may help explain part of why I was so skinny in high school, I spent all of my free time exercising or reading.

2. (and this one was Husband's idea) Run an official 5k every month in 2016. This one is a little boring to me, because I typically run longer than that distance at least twice a week (used to be every day. dammit.) and I ran a marathon last year, so a bunch of 5k's is not a big deal. But Husband has been wanting to start running again, and he never really was much of a runner, so he set a goal that was manageable to him but would motivate him to run more often. The hard part has been that the year starts in January and it's cold so while I am fine with it, and have been out running regularly, he has not. So it's going to be harder for him. Our first one is this Saturday. And the high is supposed to be 12 F.

I have been terrible at restricting this past week. I expected it to be hard Sunday through Wednesday because Husband's brother and wife were in town staying with us, and they LOVE to eat. But last Friday I was at my new part time job (while I'm still unemployed by my field) as a brewer at a local brewery. The job is a lot of fun, but the restaurant part of the brewery is open on Friday, and being the nice people that they are, the kitchen was supplying the head brewer and I with a steady supply of fattening food. That, coupled with the beer we already drink while we work was a disaster.

But I won't have to work another Friday there for a bit, and the relatives are gone, so I can finally restrict. I have plenty of calories in me so the plan today is to eat nothing. Just to feel good again. Then tomorrow I'll definitely not be eating all day because we have a friend's birthday party to go to (low-key, not even any booze) and tomorrow is also Husband's and my anniversary so we'll probably at least drink after the party.

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