
Monday, February 14, 2011

Mentos: The Fresh Maker

Another new start for me. My husband and I just moved from eastern Pennsylvania to the midwest. I have yet to find a job but I haven't really been looking that hard either.

Mostly because I have been reading.

I am in love with Portia de Rossi's "Unbearable Lightness". It has once again kick-started my weight loss. It has now replaced "Wasted" as my favorite anorexia autobiography, and I have read a lot of them. I dread lending my nook to any one or having my husband look at it because it is filled with books written by anorexics. It would be kind of a giveaway as to why when he is eating cookies at night before bed, I am having carrots and celery.

But I am good at excuses.

I order nonfat milk in my lattes because they "don't sit as heavy in my stomach".
I drink tea rather than coffee because "coffee makes me too jittery".
I eat fruit because I love it.
I'm not eating because I just ate/don't feel well/not in the mood/hornier when I'm hungry.

The last excuse on the list is a surefire way to get my husband not to make me over eat.


  1. That last excuse made me laugh out loud at work. I use all of those (except for that last one) regularly.

    I was wondering how Portia's book was. I will have to take a look at it because you are the second person that has mentioned that it is really good.

  2. It really is. I just finished it this morning and I may even start reading it again. It's a good look into another aspect of eating disorders. Most books seem to stem from the parents, especially the mothers, but this had more to do with feeling she needed to hide her homosexuality. It was the kind of book that after having read it, I feel like I know her personally. I highly recommend it.
