
Friday, December 30, 2011

After months of waiting

There is finally a new batch of Very Mary-Kate videos!

Go enjoy them.

(If you haven't watched them, I recommend starting from the beginning. They make slightly more sense.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Less than a month

since my last post! Personal win. I'm trying to keep up on it.

Thanks Gianna for that comment. I really liked that article :)

The holiday really fucked me over. In the five days I spent at my in-laws I managed to gain back every pound that I lost since school started. Seriously. Even though I managed to refuse a lot of food, it was like, non-stop food fest. All junk.
I did weigh myself the day after returning though, which usually means a pound or two of travel bloat, so I'm hoping that's going to go away by tomorrow. The rest will probably take some work.

Coming up on a new year it's time to look back on 2011.

Greatest accomplishment of 2011: First full calendar year since high school of NO PURGING!!!!
This is a huge success for me. Those of you who have been following for a while know how much I have struggled with this. I HATE purging. It is painful, harmful and has never yielded good results for me. Without it, I have managed to avoid a lot of binges (knowing I won't allow it).

I think as a result, I had a net loss of poundage over the past year. Not a large one because I started the year with a sizable gain with my move across the country. That was upsetting. But I have come down a little from it and that's a plus.

With that, I am looking into the new year. Restricting should be easy for the next few months. My school schedule is only getting more intense and I won't be traveling or visiting friends or family for the next 7 months. And I can accomplish a lot in that time. Especially when I think back to how things were going these past two months of school.

I've been thinking of setting some guidelines (as we all do) and with my tight schedule it should be fairly easy to keep.

I haven't cemented these into exact rules but I know I need to increase my exercise (that has suffered since school started).

Also, I need to keep my carbs low. I haven't come up with a number or a system because I need to factor in fruits and veggies. With how intense school has gotten, I cannot afford scurvy or the plague or any bullshit like that right now.

I need to decrease my alcohol consumption too. That has gotten a little out of control.

So I will be making some rules out of these. More exact numbers so it's easier to stick to and more noticeable if I deviate.

For now I leave you with this (which I stole from a favorite blogger of mine)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A month

Wow. A whole month since I have posted. Sorry folks, I have been way busy.
I have been thinking about you though! I miss every one on here. I have zero free time lately so it has been hard.

School has been going well. Mostly A's and B's, but 2 F's. Not too worried about the F's. They would actually be D's but my school doesn't have D's. But I can bring those up. I still have time.

Plus side of being too busy = Too busy to eat. Husband has noticed I've lost weight which is awesome. The only weird thing is that the numbers on the scale have hardly moved. not sure why. My clothes are looser and I feel slimmer. But very little poundage lost.

As stated before, we do a lot of touching each other in my classes. Feeling bones and muscles. We will be doing even more next term and I really don't want people to not want to touch me.

I am a little panicked for the holiday. Fortunately we are going to my in-laws for a few days for Christmas and even though I am sure there will be plenty of junk, my mother-in-law won't force-feed me like my own mother does. So the self-control is all on me. And I think I can handle it. I've been getting a better mindset lately and I think I can stick to it. I feel more comfortable being hungry. I just hope when I am not on such a tight schedule I won't be snacking.

Anyway, that's about all that's going on here. I wish I had something more interesting, but all I do is school stuff.

Here's an interesting thing that I learned in one of my classes. If a woman is starving while she is pregnant it alters her genes in a way that is passed down for four generations.
What does this mean? I don't know. other than you can tell if your great-great-grandmother was starving.

Take care of yourselves!